Family Law

Dealing with divorce, child custody, child support, and protection order proceedings are emotionally taxing ordeals. At a time where it feels like everything you hold dear is in jeopardy, you cannot afford to go it alone. The future of your children, your family, and financial safety should be your top priority. We at Lauber Law Group understand this incredibly difficult and confusing time you are going through and want to make it as easy on you as possible. Our attorneys are committed not only to seeing you through the family law system, but also to making sure you come out of this process with your head held high and looking toward a better future.

Whether you are looking to initiate a family law proceeding or are responding to an existing action, we know what you are going through and have the expertise to make sure you get it right the first time. One of the most common situations we see involves couples attempting to divorce without legal support for one or both spouses for financial reasons. Often times there are temporary orders in place which significantly disadvantage one or both parties in unintended ways that wind up costing more down the road than hiring an attorney in the first place. Even worse, courts are often hesitant to change terms from temporary orders when signing off on final orders without good cause and it will take a strong legal advocate to undo the damage these orders have created. Obviously, it is best to avoid or get out of this situation as soon as possible.

Call the attorneys at Lauber Law Group today to set up your free consultation and find out how we can best help you with your family law proceeding. There are few situations in life where it is more important to have an attorney in your corner. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your future to make sure that you do not make any critical mistakes that haunt you or your loved ones for years to come.

Click here to schedule a free consultation today.